Currently we are all undergoing a crisis of meaning. This is causing an examination of our structures and systems both personal and global. There are indigenous cultures who have technologies that allow us access to this meaning making process, and educational tools for creating meaning in a way that creates harmony. One indigenous path has wisdom around these tools and includes psychedelics and education. 


The Human Understanding Institute has two related goals:

1. To protect a community with an indigenous cultural lineage that holds profound wisdom about creating harmony both individually and collectively, along with several decades of experience implementing this wisdom in the US and globally.

2. To create a platform for education and research that will provide a rigorous scientific foundation for the wisdom from that community and lineage, and make its benefits accessible to the broader public.

To that end, we are currently fundraising and our immediate priority is the creation of a strong legal foundation that provides guidance and education, allowing access to these beneficial tools without fear.

We are researchers, therapists, doctors, clinicians, indigenous practitioners and people from all walks of life who believe in the safe and responsible use of psychedelics. We believe education on how to use these is the answer. We invite you to become informed and to join our cause. 

Psychedelics have been used safely for thousands of years in spiritual practices, and have been reintroduced to the modern world as highly effective tools for healing and growth.

Despite all the real-world evidence and a growing body of clinical evidence, our laws still threaten people who use psychedelics safely and responsibly. 

Psychedelics can improve lives, alleviate suffering and provide solutions to an unprecedented mental health crisis.  We are a collaborative, caring, compassionate community for the safe use of psychedelic and providing education on how to do this. 

We believe when used safely, the research shows over and over that there are ways to provide access to tools to improve people’s lives and alleviate suffering during an unprecedented mental health crisis.